Santiago Pastorino
vendored_test failures key is required to write a cookie was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Sunday Jan 17
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vendored_test failures key is required to write a cookie was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:49 AM ticket
Failure on test_return_path_with_create(ActionMailerTest) | ruby-1.9.1-p376 was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:41 AM ticket
vendored_test failures key is require... was created by Santiago Pastorino 04:16 AM ticket
test_flash method it's failing with error on ruby1.9.1 was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:42 AM ticket
test_flash method it's failing with error on ruby1.9.1 was updated by Santiago Pastorino 02:21 AM ticket
test_flash method it's failing with e... was created by Santiago Pastorino 02:18 AM ticket
actionpack route_set tests failing on ruby1.9.1p376 was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:12 AM ticket
actionpack route_set tests failing on... was created by Santiago Pastorino
Saturday Jan 16
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Two missing do statements found on wi... was created by Santiago Pastorino 06:53 PM ticket