Neeraj Singh
1.day should respond_to kind_of too was created by Neeraj Singh
Thursday May 20
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Replace assert with assert_equal in some test cases was updated by Neeraj Singh 04:34 AM ticket
Replace assert with assert_equal in some test cases was updated by Neeraj Singh 04:33 AM ticket
Replace assert with assert_equal in s... was created by Neeraj Singh 04:06 AM ticket
Final iteration of use better testing methods was updated by Neeraj Singh
Wednesday May 19
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Final iteration of use better testing... was created by Neeraj Singh 08:14 PM ticket
class_inheritable_accessor should let subclasses inherit from the superclass's attribute was updated by Neeraj Singh 06:31 AM ticket
Use better assertion methods for testing was updated by Neeraj Singh 04:52 AM ticket
Use assert_respond_to because it has better error messaging was updated by Neeraj Singh 02:52 AM ticket
Use assert_kind_of whenever possible instead of assert was updated by Neeraj Singh 02:51 AM ticket