"Returning ID" does not work due to trigger was updated by Kane
Tuesday May 03
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add _delete key for accepts_nested_attributes_for ?was updated by KaneWednesday Apr 06
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db tasks do not work with jdbcpostgresql was updated by Kane 01:29 AM ticket
Scoped uniqueness validation of associated objects was updated by Kane 12:38 AM ticket
add _delete key for accepts_nested_attributes_for ?was updated by Kane 12:30 AM ticket -
Uniqueness validator can cause error with after_initialize callbackwas updated by KaneTuesday Mar 29
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HABTM destroy deletes record before associated records was updated by Kane
Sunday Mar 27
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HABTM join tables cleared on destroy even if a before_destroy says don't was updated by Kane
Wednesday Mar 23
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HABTM join tables cleared on destroy even if a before_destroy says don't was updated by Kane 01:00 AM ticket
find_each and find_in_batches assumes that primary key is a number was updated by Kane
Thursday Oct 28