Dan Pickett
active_support/core_ext/string/inflections doesn't load default inflections was updated by Dan Pickett
Saturday Mar 12
ticket -
has_many :conditions => 'id = #{id}' interpolation doesn't work when :dependent => :delete_all is set was updated by Dan Pickett 05:20 PM ticket
undefined method `zero?' for #<OrderedHash {}>was updated by Dan Pickett 05:02 PM ticket -
ActiveRecord::Relation#empty? fails for grouped relations, as OrderedHash is missing #zero? was updated by Dan Pickett 05:01 PM ticket
Dan Pickett was invited to the Ruby on Rails Project. 04:46 PM member
active_support/core_ext/string/inflections doesn't load default inflections was updated by Dan Pickett 04:39 PM ticket
accepts_nested_attributes_for not updating correctly with validates_uniqueness_of was updated by Dan Pickett 04:27 PM ticket
has_many :through across namespace fails was updated by Dan Pickett 04:24 PM ticket
has_one through incorrect id add was updated by Dan Pickett 04:19 PM ticket
Seperate CodeStatistics Rendering from Calculation was updated by Dan Pickett 04:11 PM ticket