Dan Pickett
validates_inclusion/exclusion_of should also accept a symbol or proc as the :in/:within option
was updated by Dan Pickett
Sunday May 09
ticket - link_to in ActionView::TestCase uses ActionController::UrlRewriter's url_for instead of ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper was updated by Dan Pickett 05:23 PM ticket
[PATCH] ActionController::Integration::Session no longer mangles multiparameter attribute params when processing multipart requests
was updated by Dan Pickett
Wednesday Apr 21
ticket - [PATCH] ActionController::Integration::Session no longer mangles multiparameter attribute params when processing multipart requests was updated by Dan Pickett 02:31 AM ticket
- [PATCH] link_to :remote => false does not work was updated by Dan Pickett 01:54 AM ticket
- In production mode, the stock 404.html and 500.html don't get rendered was updated by Dan Pickett 01:34 AM ticket
PostgresSQLAdapter#unescape_bytea does not handle "\\"
was updated by Dan Pickett
Monday Jan 25
ticket -
can't rescue_from ActionController::InvalidAuthenticationToken
was updated by Dan Pickett
Saturday Dec 19
ticket - can't rescue_from ActionController::I... was created by Dan Pickett 01:01 AM ticket
has_one :through using belongs_to produces incorrect SQLwas updated by Dan PickettWednesday Oct 28