Geoff Buesing
TimeWithZone fails to unmarshal properly was updated by Geoff Buesing
Monday Jul 07
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Time#since DST issue was updated by Geoff Buesing
Monday Jun 30
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Convenience methods for time zones outside the U.S. was updated by Geoff Buesing
Saturday Jun 28
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Convenience methods for time zones outside the U.S. was updated by Geoff Buesing
Wednesday Jun 25
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Convenience methods for time zones outside the U.S. was updated by Geoff Buesing 03:14 PM ticket
ActiveRecord timezone issues was updated by Geoff Buesing
Friday Jun 20
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Updating Date field recasts value as Time instead of Datewas updated by Geoff BuesingWednesday Jun 18
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next_week does not go to next weekwas updated by Geoff BuesingSaturday Jun 14
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next_week does not go to next weekwas updated by Geoff Buesing 06:26 PM ticket -
next_week does not go to next week was updated by Geoff Buesing
Friday Jun 13