Aaron Patterson
Using Model.includes(:relation_with_custom_primary_key)was updated by Aaron PattersonSaturday Oct 30
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ActiveRecord 3 eager loading failwas updated by Aaron Patterson 07:21 PM ticket - ActiveRecord 3 eager loading fail was updated by Aaron Patterson 04:29 PM ticket
[PATCH] Refactoring AssociationProxy and subclasses to avoid @finder_sql, @counter_sql, etcwas updated by Aaron Patterson 02:37 PM ticket -
[PATCH] Refactoring AssociationProxy and subclasses to avoid @finder_sql, @counter_sql, etc
was updated by Aaron Patterson
Thursday Oct 28
ticket -
Setting session and cookie variables in same request breaks session in following request in Rails 2.3.9was updated by Aaron PattersonThursday Oct 21
ticket - AssociationCollection#include? ignoring build associated objects (not working in Rails 3) was updated by Aaron Patterson 01:27 AM ticket
caching bugs in ActiveRecord#create and associationswas updated by Aaron Patterson 01:25 AM ticket - [PATCH] Refactoring AssociationProxy and subclasses to avoid @finder_sql, @counter_sql, etc was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:48 AM ticket
default_scope can't take procswas updated by Aaron PattersonTuesday Oct 19