Ryan Bigg
find_or_create via has_many fails for hash parameters was updated by Ryan Bigg
Saturday Dec 11
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has_many through self join does not include table alias, so fails was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:49 PM ticket
Make User[:id] returning Arel::Attributes::* instance as a shortcut to use ARel's methods was updated by Ryan Bigg
Tuesday Nov 23
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[PATCH] shortcut to unscoped named_scope was updated by Ryan Bigg
Monday Nov 22
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Support for nested :through associations was updated by Ryan Bigg
Wednesday Nov 17
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Add an option to omit the creation of hidden field with object id when using fields_for was updated by Ryan Bigg
Wednesday Nov 10
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truncate with HTML ellipsis character entity was updated by Ryan Bigg
Monday Nov 08
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Tweaks to make ActiveRecord Fiber-friendly was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:55 AM ticket
Accessing ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter from console raises exceptionwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:54 AM ticket -
config.gem github friendly (discussion)was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:54 AM ticket