Ryan Bigg
Objects lose association methods in development modewas updated by Ryan BiggThursday Oct 21
ticket -
Comments in erb/rthml cause incorrect formattingwas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket -
caching bugs in ActiveRecord#create and associationswas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket -
nested fields_for with index should account for the indexwas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket -
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch with same class name -- added helpful exception messagewas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket -
counter_cache not decrementing on deletewas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket -
named_scope doesn't override default_scope's :order key was updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket
AssociationCollection#include? ignoring build associated objectswas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket -
default_scope breaks (update|delete|destroy)_all in some cases was updated by Ryan Bigg 03:37 AM ticket
Dynamic scopes and dynamic finders for belongs_towas updated by Ryan Bigg 03:36 AM ticket