Arel 2 does not work well with views on postgresql was updated by rails
Wednesday Feb 23
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ActiveModel has a dependency on an old version of Builder was updated by rails 12:00 AM ticket
render :json don't escape htmlentities. was updated by rails
Tuesday Feb 22
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render :json don't escape htmlentities.was updated by rails 12:00 AM ticket -
[PATCH] response_body proc is called twicewas updated by rails 12:00 AM ticket -
[PATCH] response_body proc is called twice was updated by rails 12:00 AM ticket
ActiveRecord Observer calls method_missing with ruby 1.9.2-p0, rake db:migrate:reset fails was updated by rails
Monday Feb 21
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ActiveRecord Observer calls method_missing with ruby 1.9.2-p0, rake db:migrate:reset failswas updated by rails 12:00 AM ticket -
rails install fails to produce rdocumentation was updated by rails
Sunday Feb 20
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fix warning while running testwas updated by rails 12:01 AM ticket