Interpolated association conditions and Eager loading was updated by rails
Thursday Apr 21
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Interpolated association conditions and Eager loadingwas updated by rails 01:00 AM ticket -
some strings do not serialize/unserialize correctlywas updated by railsTuesday Apr 19
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RoR development slow on Windowswas updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket -
RoR development slow on Windows was updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket
some strings do not serialize/unserialize correctly was updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket
Making find a little faster was updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket
Rails 3 + sendmail with ssmtp = "recipients with -t option not supported"was updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket -
Making find a little fasterwas updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket -
Rails 3.0.3 query creates spurious habtm association was updated by rails 01:01 AM ticket