James Le Cuirot
child/grandchild associations reload from db after nested attributes assignment was updated by James Le Cuirot
Friday Jul 09
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Updates to relationship resources are lostwas updated by James Le CuirotThursday Jul 08
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Recent named_scope STI fix causes a massive slow down and memory leak was updated by James Le Cuirot
Sunday Jul 04
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Recent named_scope STI fix causes a massive slow down and memory leak was updated by James Le Cuirot 02:56 PM ticket
Recent named_scope STI fix causes a massive slow down and memory leak was updated by James Le Cuirot 02:55 PM ticket
named_scope not preserving proper model in STIwas updated by James Le Cuirot 02:08 PM ticket -
Recent named_scope STI fix causes a m... was created by James Le Cuirot 02:00 PM ticket
Possible memory leak in Rails 3 was updated by James Le Cuirot
Thursday Jul 01
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Unsaved changes to nested attribute collections are lost when using collectionwas updated by James Le CuirotWednesday Jun 30
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Updates to relationship resources are lostwas updated by James Le Cuirot 11:09 AM ticket