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AssociationScope#add_constraints, hab... was created by Marian Rudzynski
Saturday May 14
ticket -
ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone in Range performance bug was updated by nmunson 06:03 AM ticket
rake db:test:clone_structure might fail with multiple schemas in postgres. was updated by Juan Manuel Cuello
Friday May 13
ticket -
ActionDispatch::RailsMetaStore return... was created by Nathaniel Bibler 04:31 PM ticket
establish_connection does not support joinswas updated by Mike Dalessio 02:19 PM ticket -
has_many :through associations are created with .create! even if the parent is created with .create was updated by hemant 10:16 AM ticket
ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone in Range ... was created by Bogdan Gusiev 08:28 AM ticket
Not unique table/alias:was updated by Vladimir Meremyanin 08:13 AM ticket -
Rails 3.0.1 - config.action_view.cache_template_loading is missingwas updated by Robert PankoweckiThursday May 12
ticket -
Polymorphic type fields not set in Rails 3.1.0.beta1 with Identity Map enabled was updated by Brian Buchalter 12:47 PM ticket
Rails 3.0.1 - config.action_view.cache_template_loading is missingwas updated by José Valim 11:38 AM ticket -
Rails 3.0.1 - config.action_view.cache_template_loading is missingwas updated by rubyconvict 11:11 AM ticket -
rails g scaffold does not respect --force or --skip switches was updated by Nizar Jouini 08:58 AM ticket
Rails 2.3.11 fails with newer Rubygems (~1.8.1) was updated by Greg Hazel 05:25 AM ticket
Rails 2.3.11 fails with newer Rubygem... was created by Greg Hazel 05:23 AM ticket
rails g scaffold does not respect --f... was created by Nizar Jouini
Wednesday May 11
ticket -
Return objects from ActiveRecord::Rel... was created by David Phillips 07:14 PM ticket
Scope joins with distinct only work t... was created by joel 05:53 PM ticket
Has many through association with :order causes a SQL error with PostgreSQLwas updated by Lance Carlson 05:05 PM ticket -
Has many through association with :order causes a SQL error with PostgreSQLwas updated by Lance Carlson 04:44 PM ticket -
AR#column_names doesn't get all columns was created by le_fnord 11:10 AM ticket
Race condition in ActionController::C... was created by Stephen Judkins 02:05 AM ticket
has_one :through preload drops conditionswas updated by ssupreme11Tuesday May 10
ticket -
accepts_nested_attributes_for creating new associated record when one already existswas updated by ssupreme11 10:39 PM ticket -
Small confusion around config.action_view.cache_template_loadingwas updated by ssupreme11 10:38 PM ticket -
[PATCH] ActiveSupport::JSON.decode explodes in certain circumstanceswas updated by ssupreme11 10:38 PM ticket -
After Transaction Patchwas updated by ssupreme11 10:36 PM ticket -
Strange behaviour in exception displaywas updated by ssupreme11 10:34 PM ticket -
Finding the days/weeks/months/years between two dateswas updated by ssupreme11 10:31 PM ticket -
Can't get valid session key via request.session_options[:key] when using CookieStorewas updated by ssupreme11 10:30 PM ticket -
Rake tasks for run engine migrationswas updated by ssupreme11 10:28 PM ticket -
Polymorphic type fields not set in Ra... was created by Brian Buchalter 08:59 PM ticket
Rails config.active_record.schema_format = :sql ignores triggers in mysqlwas updated by dave 04:46 PM ticket -
Wrong variable quoted in dbconsole error was updated by David Kelso 09:31 AM ticket
Rake tasks for run engine migrationswas updated by symennerren 07:36 AM ticket -
find_or_create via has_many fails for hash parameters was updated by Brian Finney 12:49 AM ticket
Collection Associations Build Method Not Supported for STI was updated by Marc-André Lafortune
Monday May 09
ticket -
Very obscure issue with Ctrl + C in console not workng and periodic freezes was updated by VirtualFunction 04:49 PM ticket
Very obscure issue with Ctrl + C in console not workng and periodic freezes was updated by Daniele Orlandi 03:42 PM ticket
to_xml should render valid xml or raise an error all the timewas updated by abby16 09:16 AM ticket -
to_xml should render valid xml or raise an error all the timewas updated by Prakash Murthy 07:41 AM ticket -
[patch] - SQL Injection for :limit and :offsetwas updated by linjunxing 07:19 AM ticket -
simple_format behaviour changed when used in Mailer viewwas updated by Arthur KlepchukovSunday May 08
ticket -
[patch] - SQL Injection for :limit and :offsetwas updated by dswllxy 04:56 PM ticket -
API documentation for RequestForgeryP... was created by Patrick Daryll Glandien 04:53 PM ticket
Create a JSON builder for resource representationswas updated by Joël AZEMAR 11:16 AM ticket -
readonly option was updated by Greg Hazel 01:48 AM ticket
API document incorrect was updated by Jason Noble
Saturday May 07
ticket -
accept header with */* does not match html templates was updated by Jason Noble 11:36 PM ticket
readonly option was updated by Brian Racer 10:38 PM ticket
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